Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Convocation Ceremony..

21 oct 2009, berlaku 1 event yg sgt besh n 1st time dlm hdp ini, my 1st convocation day..perasaan excited gak sbb xpnh lg kn..n lg2 dpt convo skali ngan my beloved..:-)..besh2..mlm 2 mak n abh smpai dr ipoh, n stay umh abg kt damansara..kte plak tggu abes kje..then mlm 2 abg dtg amik kte kt VK ni..pg2 esk nye kui 5am dh mangun awai gler..huhu..sbb tkot jam n jauh gak kalo dr dmsara nk ke s.alam...nk xnk kne mngun gak..siap2..dlm kui 5.30 btui2 bru grk..then smpai s.alam dlm kui 6.10 kot..g bekpes jap kt Barra..hehe..lme xmam kt cni..then bru le msok uitm..tup tap tup tap...dh settle naek stage amik sjil n jmpe kwn..kuar2 je dr dsb..rmei gler org..mngalahkn sure heboh lg..huhu..cmne nk amik gambo ni..then pkai je cmera sape2..posing2..dlm tgh2 pns2 2..then jmpe parents Mr.EverDale..mmg cam besh..ceria n spoting..:-)..then ktorg pon grk blik dlm kui bpe ntah..sbb time 2 mmg dh crowded sgt ngan graduan dr sesi ptg lg..ok..2 je yg nk cter pngalaman convo kte yg 1st ni..n hope soon dpt convo..4 my master..InsyaAllah..n 2 all my friends..Hope can still keep in touch n hope sume dpt kje n success in evrything you guys do..n to my parents..thanx 4 everythings..Love both of you..

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My 1st Anniversary..

Actly, dh lepas pon..last week..15 oct..pejam celik pejam celik dh 1thn ma..Alhmdulillah..hope kekal sampai ku mnutup mate..(",) Mr.EverDale..thanx sbb sabar melayan kerenah ku ini..thanx sbb mnjadi pndgr setia..thanx coz take care of me..thanx 4 everything..n thank you for loving me..urmm. nk djadikan cerita..on dat day..15Oct, was my 1st day working at Mimos..mmg xdpt nk spent time le..blik2 umh je pnt..cian die..xpe,..hehe..sbnrnye ktorg dh celeb awai cket..xg mne pon, just kuar g hang out 2gether..juz rse cm lme je xjln sme2..almaklum le..jauh..utara selatan..I juz bought him red Everlast shirt..really fit wit him..:-)..n he bought 4 me bracelet 925..I love it..thanx Mr.EverDale..:-)..juz want 2 dedicated tis 2 him..

Friday, October 16, 2009

1st day work..

Finally i already hired by Mimos..ske2..:-)..setelah 6x p interview..1st day kje, xde kje sgt..sbb desktop pon xdpt lg..juz sign agreement n&assign supervisor with different programming language based on our strength..coz i'm the only 1 AI student, thus i'm different from others..kne wat project by using JAVA n CLIPS..jdi bhn experiment jap..kalo okie..go on..kalo x, leh tukar..ikot kesesuaian sindri..awal2 g kje mmg xde umh..dok mnumpang umh org lg..naik segan sih..dkt 2-3 ari cri rmh or room dkt2 area bkt jalil..finally, dpt le blek kt area bkt jalil..xpe la..desperate sgt..jnji dkt ngan train..snng cket..2 je la nk cter serba sdikit..c u all next week..

Sunday, October 4, 2009

cerita minggu lepas..

Ahad lepas..stat kte gerak ke kl..huhu..sbb isnin kununnye dh nk stat training kje kt financial i've been informed, position as IT cstmer service..but..stlh mghadiri training 4 3 days, cm kne tpu gak r..position 2 bkn le spt yg dberitahu..actly kje kne cri client utk investment..huhu..n xde basic salary pon..juz based on client..kalo xdpt client..xde gji le..dtg training 2 ari je..pas 2 xdtg dh..nseb x sign cntrct lg...n thanx kt haizi sgt, sbb bg tmpg stay umh dkt 3 ari..then pas 2 tros blik epoh..then..ari khmis nye dpt call dr UiTM Perak..utk interview jdi lcturer CS..excited gak le..sbbmmg nk sgt jdi lcturer..tis becomin monday intrview..hope kalo de rezki, dpt le..ari khmis ptg 2 jgk MIMOS call lg pggil interview next sat..huhu..2 2 tmpt yg pggl ni mmg mnjdi idaman kte dr dlu lg..kalo bley mmg nk kje kt MIMOS gak, sbb da 1st intrview wit MIMOS dh lepas, ni 2nd intrview plak..Alhmdullillah..doa2kn le kte cpt dpt kje..walaupon da 1st kje yg dpt 2 xmnjdi..hrp2 yg len ni bakal mmbuahkn hasil..:-)..wish me luck..

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